

Golden-Great Pen-Kinmen Kaoliang Liquor

In the traditional Chinese Fengshui culture, the "Five Elements" represent the five types of energies, "wood, fire, earth, metal and water". It is believed that the five elements can affect people's energy, and they endlessly regulate the circulation of everything in the universe.


The five elements emphasize the concept of universal operations and depict the structural relationships and interactions of things. The five elements exist in all people, events and objects in nature. They have been widely used in ancient China. In the fields of medicine and home Fengshui, they bring beneficial energy and help improve health, career, people relationship, wealth and other aspects of life.

中國傳統風水文化中的「 五行」,是來自宇宙大自然中的現象由「金、木、水、火、土」五種能量的變化與聚集,相信「 五行」不僅能影響人的氣運,同時也使宇宙萬物循環不已. 「 五行」強調宇宙天地運行的概念,描繪了事物的結構關係和運動形式。自然界中的一切人、事、物都存在著「五行」,「五行」在中國古代已被廣泛運用,在醫學與居家風水上帶來有利的磁場能量,提升健康、事業、人緣、財富......等其它方面生活上的運勢。

Golden-Great Pen incorporates the five elements

Metal - The golden pen nib symbolizes wealth, wisdom, glory, nobility, honor and brilliance.

Wood - The pen body is shaped like bambusa ventricosa, which symbolizes luck, prosperity and promotion.

Water - The Premium 58% Kinmen Kaoliang Liquor symbolizes wisdom and smooth sailing.

Fire - Made with brick kiln fire at a high temperature of 1,300 °C, it symbolizes activeness, courage and wealth.

Earth - Made with quality mountain porcelain clay, it symbolizes the transformation and revitalization of all things.







The liquor bottle, measuring 45.5 cm, is made in a golden ratio, which is in line with the "treasure vault" and "wealth" measurements on a Luban ruler. The liquor is poured from the bottle cap. The bottle is decorated with lapis and Chinese tassel, meaning smooth sailing. The Golden-Great Pen in Chinese, sounds like "bold and generous pen" in Southern Fujian dialect. The design enables collectors to own the " Five Elements " Kinmen Kaoliang Liquor which carries the value and meaning of preservation and life. 

酒瓶長45.5厘米,以黃金比例製成,與傳統的魯班尺子上的"寶庫"和"財富"尺寸一致。酒瓶的瓶蓋在筆的末端,以琉璃及流蘇式中國結點綴其中,寓意事物運行如水。「金大筆」寓意中國閩南方言「真大筆」、「勁大筆」代表大量財富。設計目的是讓收藏者能擁有「五行」 的金門高粱酒,因為他具有保存與生活行運的價值與意義。

In the design and development process, there are technical hurdles to overcome to make the porcelain able to contain and preserve the liquor. The pen barrel is fired at 360 degrees to form a seamless body. As the bottle's shape makes it difficult to stand upright, firing is a challenge to overcome.. When firing complex lines and hollow porcelain in a kiln, the control of temperature is a technical breakthrough. The production process adopts manual throwing, trimming, underglaze drawing, and complex high-temperature glaze firing. The goal is to give the product a complete integration of the procedures.


Kinmen Kaoliang Liquor

In an ideal terroir of Kinmen with perfect longitude and latitude for making liquor, KKL produces "VSO Kinmen Kaoliang Liquor" by following exclusive distilling techniques "3 High, 2 Low, 1 Turn" Pure Grain Solid State Fermentation. The heart is cut off from foreshot and aftershot, and then stored in granite tunnel at constant temperature and humidity to accelerate maturation. Creating the best kaoliang liquor with rich flavor, silky smooth texture, and lingering aftertaste.
