

Jheng Jheng Rih Shang-Kinmen Kaoliang Liquor

The CK101 steam locomotive was imported to Taiwan in 1919 during the Japanese colonization period. It was retired in 1974 and subsequently put on display at the Taiwan Railway Museum. Twenty-four years later, the raising awareness of the preservation of railway culture in Taiwan reinstated the service of the CK101 steam locomotive in 1998. It became the first steam locomotive to be restored and put into service as a means of preservation in Taiwan's railway history. It is a treasure of Taiwan's railway and a milestone in the preservation of railway culture. 

1919年台灣日治時期CK101 蒸汽火車引進台灣,於1974年停駛,目前放置於台灣鐵道博物館中保存,二十四年後,因台灣鐵道文化保存的意識抬頭,CK101 蒸汽火車於1998年重新復駛,是台灣鐵路首輛修復並以行駛動態保存的蒸汽火車,是台灣鐵道之寶,成為鐵道文化保存的里程碑。

We incorporate the look of the CK101 steam locomotive into the design of our liquor bottle which is produced by the porcelain firing process. The liquor bottle resembles a steam locomotive model. It has a drive bay, bearings, axle box, sandbox, cowcatcher, and other features. The bottle head is designed in a steam dome. The bottle, itself, is made of fired porcelain, with an appearance that looks like a cast-iron shell, and the surface is engraved with subtle patterns of mechanical parts, all made possible by the breakthrough in the matte glazing technique. The wooden base shows the railroad ties and metal tracks.

我們將CK101 蒸汽火車作為酒器外型設計,以瓷器燒製工藝,構想酒器仿真蒸汽火車模型,擁有驅動架,軸承和軸箱,沙箱,清障器等造型;瓶頭設計於蒸汽圓頂。酒器由陶瓷燒製外表如同鑄鐵外殼材質,並刻印了細微的機械零件紋路,這都歸功於突破性的霧面上釉技術。展示木製底座擁呈現鐵道的枕木與金屬軌道。

In the design and development process, there are technical hurdles to overcome to make the porcelain able to contain and preserve the liquor. When firing complex lines and hollow porcelain in a kiln, the control of temperature is a technical breakthrough. The production process adopts manual throwing, trimming, underglaze drawing, and complex high-temperature glaze firing. The goal is to give the product a complete integration of the procedures.


While achieving a success rate of only 30% in ceramic firing, we succeeded in creating the tank-shaped liquor bottle made of porcelain.


In Mandarin Chinese phonetics, "steam" sounds like "striving", which means to encourage everyone to flourish and take initiative, and it also symbolizes perseverance, connection and driving force. Therefore, the CK101 commemorative liquor is named "Jheng Jheng Rih Shang". Only by working hard and having a strong will to overcome difficulties will we achieve success.


In the early days, steam locomotives were the main driving force for trains. They carried the prosperity of the society, taking people to work every day. They also connected people's affection, friendship, love, parting, and reunion, making themselves a significant symbol in history. We made the CK101 steam locomotive a symbol of driving force and inspiration. Together with Kinmen Kaoliang liquor, it has a historical and emotional value representing our sincerity.


In an ideal terroir of Kinmen with perfect longitude and latitude for making liquor, KKL produces "VSO Kinmen Kaoliang Liquor" by following exclusive distilling techniques "3 High, 2 Low, 1 Turn" Pure Grain Solid State Fermentation. The heart is cut off from foreshot and aftershot, and then stored in granite tunnel at constant temperature and humidity to accelerate maturation. Creating the best kaoliang liquor with rich flavor, silky smooth texture, and lingering aftertaste.
